Volunteer Signup Form
Volunteering With Afropolitan Cities
Thank you for volunteering to help. Afropolitan Cities relies on the generous support of our volunteers to produce quality experiences for the Diaspora. Volunteering for Afropolitan Cities events is always a fun and insightful experience. It's also an amazing opportunity to get behind the scenes and get involved with the African Diaspora communities, not to mention the potential perks that come with it.
Volunteering With Afropolitan Cities
Note that due to limited opportunities, submitting a volunteer application does not guarantee you will be selected an event/project. Hence, if you are submitting an application for event support, do not show up at the event as a volunteer without an email confirmation from Afropolitan Cities. If you do not make the cut for the event you are applying for, we will keep your information on file for future volunteer opportunities. Volunteers will be confirmed on a first come-first served basis, hence make sure to sign up as soon as possible
Volunteers are required to attend all volunteer preparation training. For event support , volunteers are also required to arrive at the event at least an hour before the event.
Note - If you are applying to volunteer as a model, please use the talent form on the talent page